Death in the Swamp
i i i I i . (Death in the Swamp II)
Death in the Swamp III
Death in the Swamp IV
Death in the Swamp V
The Horse & The Carrot (Death in the Swamp VI)
Death in the Swamp VII
Death in the Swamp VIII
Death in the Swamp IX
Death in the Swamp X
Cat Eyes (Death in the Swamp XI)
Cat Eyes II (Death in the Swamp XII)
Flying (Death in the Swamp XIII)
Death in the Swamp XIV
The Hand (Death in the Swamp XV)
Death in the Swamp XVI
Gibberish (Death in the Swamp XVII)

SENTENCIA NATURAL pretende homenajear a esos seres vegetales que habitan al filo de la muerte cerca de las riveras de ríos, lagunas y pantanos. Una subida del nivel del agua más prolongada de la cuenta da con el final de sus vidas.

© David Frutos Egea 2008-2024creado en Bluekea